The horse at the property next to ours:

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He’s always social distancing and we are too. But we check on each other daily.

I’m dealing with ‘writer’s block.’ I hate that term and I think it’s over-used, but that’s what I have in my toolbox of words to term this thing. I have this story to finish and it’s a pretty good story. I haven’t been able to get it done lately. Not only does it feel like I am down in a hole trying to claw my way up and out, it feels like I am weak as a writer. I’m accustomed to feeling strong. I am one of the world’s leading experts at procrastination, and I am clever and conniving at rationalizing procrastination, but I normally feel like: ‘I could get this done if I wanted to, or really needed to. I could dig down and grind it out.’

Now, not so much. So the one thing I can think of to do is just to take very small steps. Do something very simple. Then do the next thing that’s very simple. I know that the strength will eventually come back to finish this story. Here’s my list of steps:


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I’m going to look back on this and laugh about it. No doubt about it.